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How to be never jobless again

Master the relevant skill-set 
Thanks to the internet and its widespread proliferation, you can acquire and master new skills through e-learning. However, before venturing to master new crafts, Mastering any new craft is indeed important for every professional in almost all sectors. Without acquiring a new set of skills, it is quite likely you become irrelevant for any profession. Understandably, mastering any new skill is no cakewalk. Rather, it can prove a Herculean task for many. However, grit and determination can help you succeed.
Build a digital portfolio.
Digital Portfolios offer a Professional Method for Showcasing Your Work. Websites are no longer just for large companies or moms who want to blog. Websites can be used by practically anyone and for any purpose, including for designing a digital portfolio to showcase the best examples of your work. Overall, an online portfolio provides a polished medium for sharing your expertise and past projects with others.

Make your self visible to the public.
The wonderful thing about your visibility online is that you have some control over it (unlike many other things). It is really up to you if you want to have a strong online presence and visibility or if you don’t want people to be able to find you. Considering that you are in business, it is most likely safe to assume that you have a vested interest in getting out their online and making your visibility as strong as it can be.

Start networking with potential clients.
These days, searching for jobs has become a lot like dating. You can’t expect to find your dream guy or gal by sitting at home waiting for someone to call. You need to put yourself out there in the social environment, both actually and virtually. Gone are the days when your qualifications spoke for themselves through an anonymous resume. Today, employers want the whole package: qualifications, personality. therefore The ability to network is one of the most crucial skills any startup person can have. Indeed, networking is a great way to meet people. So, Meet and greet. Ask people about their businesses. Be friendly and relaxed. Enjoy yourself.

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